The Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants (AIGAC), founded in 2006, is a global organization dedicated to transparency, ethics, and best practices in graduate admissions consulting.
19 Years serving the graduate admissions community
200+ Vetted Network of admissions consultants worldwide
THOUSANDS of Applicants Helped Annually Through AIGAC Members
50+ Leading global business schools and affiliate partner institutions
Program Specialty
*AIGAC Members May Serve Multiple Program Specialties
Geographic Diversity
One of our most popular membership benefits is the AIGAC annual conference, a premier, members-only event offering exclusive access to top business schools, business school admissions directors, and industry insights. Held at different business schools each spring, the multi-day event features workshops, school visits, networking, and discussions on admissions trends.
AIGAC members tour business schools, meet with admission directors, and learn about changes in the application process, as well as offer applicant perspectives. Many members have attended every annual conference, attesting to the value of AIGAC’s continuing education program and professional network.