Top 5 Things You Should Always Do For An Interview – Part 1

Submitted By The Red Pen – University & MBA Admissions Advising

Interview season is upon us. Some early applicants have already had interviews, while others are preparing for calls after the new year.

Here are the Top 5 things you should always do for an academic interview:

  1. Take a clean copy of your current resume
  2. Remember the interviewer’s name
  3. Ask a question
  4. Research your interviewer
  5. Say thank you

Take a clean copy of your current resume

There are several reasons to do this. First off, it gives you something to do when you walk into the interview and it makes you look prepared. Second, it gives the interviewer a reference point from which to start asking questions.

Sometimes the interviewer has already seen your resume, but bringing it along just gives the impression that you do not assume too much and are you are always ready for any situation.

Read more about Top 5 Things You Should Do For An Interview – Part 1 by clicking here.

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