The Top 4 Reasons People Fail on the GMAT

Submitted By Brett Ethridge, Dominate the GMAT

I hear it all the time from my prospective students:

Brett, I’ve been studying for the GMAT for a while now and I feel stuck. I just can’t seem to break through and get the score I need. I know I’m not stupid, but I just can’t quite figure this thing out. Can you help me?

Have you ever felt that way? Are you looking for a breakthrough on the GMAT? Or perhaps you’re new to this whole GMAT thing and you’re wondering what separates those who get high scores from those who don’t.

Let me reassure you right off the bat: You’re not stupid. It’s not intelligence (or lack thereof) that ultimately determines your GMAT score.

I’m confident from years of teaching the GMAT to students from all parts of the globe and from different academic backgrounds that if you’ve graduated high school (yes, you heard me right — high school, not even college) and can tie your shoes while chewing gum, you can learn the underlying content tested on the GMAT.

Read more about The Top 4 Reasons People Fail on the GMAT, by clicking here.

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