MBA Admissions: Preparing For The Interview

Submitted By Accepted

“MBA Admissions: Preparing For The Interview” is the latest post in our series Navigate the MBA Maze.

Here are three key tips on how to present yourself during those crucial face-to-face minutes:

  1. Structure Your Answers
  2. Project Confidence
  3. Read Your Interviewer

1. Structure Your Answers

Structure helps your interviewer see where you’re going with your answer and helps you remember where you’re going, too. So when they ask, “Why do you want to attend Harvard/Stanford/Kellogg?” don’t say, “Well, I was born in Florida in 1984, and . . .”

Instead, lay out a clear structure: “There are three primary reasons why this school is my top choice: curriculum, culture, and community.”

After providing the structure upfront, provide details for each reason you mention. Not every interview answer requires an upfront structure (some are more story-oriented), but use one for those that lend themselves to it. You’ll be glad you did.

Read more from Accepted on MBA Admissions: Preparing For The Interview by clicking here.

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