Applying This Fall? Start Prepping Now for the LSAT

By Anna Ivey, Anna Ivey Consulting

What’s the ideal LSAT timeline?

Your mileage may vary, and you may need to adapt these guidelines to your individual situation, but in a perfect world, here’s how I like to work backward from the end goal:

Plan to submit your applications in early November. Early November is plenty early; you do not have to submit applications the first day they open, I promise.

In order to maximize the time you have on your applications, and to let your brain focus on — and master — one thing at a time, that November submission date means I like to see people take the LSAT well in advance.

At this time of year, LSAC doesn’t typically post LSAT dates past the spring. As of today, the latest test date they’ve posted is in April. But you can assume that in the upcoming admissions cycle, there will be a couple of options to take the test in the summer, and a couple of options to take the test in the fall. I would plan on taking the LSAT for the first time in the early summer (earlier is even better).

Why so early? A couple of reasons:

  1. The LSAT is ridiculously important to admissions outcomes
  2. The LSTA is hard
  3. Working with a real score is better than working with a fantasy score
  4. Plan on taking the LSAT more than once

Read the full article by Anny Ivy by clicking here.

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